DOWNLOAD 1956-2013 Johnson-Evinrude Repair Manual

DOWNLOAD 1956-2013 Johnson-Evinrude Repair Manual

Boats have various mechanical parts that need to be maintained regularly. While major maintenance and repair requires the help of professionals, smaller repairs can be performed by a user thanks to the repair manuals. While manuals are provided with all products, a Johnson or Evinrude outboard repair manual focuses on the workings of an outboard motor.


Most Johnson-Evinrude outboard manuals are small books that contain detailed instructions to help maintain and repair the outboard motor. The size of the manual depends on the motor and contains instructions that can be understood by the average user. Most manuals contain multiple languages and have clear sections to help users perform basic actions. Recent manuals also have accompanying pictures to make the job easier.


Typically, a Evinrude-Johnson outboard repair manual starts off with safety warnings and precautions that users must follow strictly. This is followed by a small introduction about the motor and the parts it involves. Installation and delivery notes are provided followed by general maintenance tips. After this, different sections detailing the different systems are present along with instructions for basic care and repair. There are also numerous diagrams present at the end to help users identify parts correctly. A troubleshoot or trouble-check section is present at the end to identify potential problems.


A good Evinrude-Johnson outboard repair manual can be a blessing for users and companies alike. Here are some key benefits:

  • A manual can help users understand the motor better. This is in regards to all aspects including safety, operation and maintenance.
  • Engineers and repairmen save time as users can go to the manual for queries and small problems.
  • Consequently users save money as they don’t frequent the shop for minor issues.
  • Salesman can use manuals to gain insight of the motors, in order to better market to users.
  • Manuals are act as a standardized guide for employees in shops. Newer employees can benefit from reading the manual and understanding how things work.
  • Shop workers can provide improved service to customers and make their service more consistent as the processes are standardized and there is always cover when other employees take leave.
  • The manual also protects companies from probable issues related to the misuse and consequent damage of the product.
  • Companies can use manuals to maintain their image as one that is focused on quality and consumer service.

As you can see, good outboards manuals are beneficial across the board. However, it is easy to see that the consumers themselves are the biggest beneficiaries as they gain critical knowledge of their machines.

1 Comment

  1. Do you have a manual for a Evinrude 115hp Year 1996 OIS2000. Model E115SLEUA.Mine seems to have oil on the plugs whitch makes hard to start up when left for a few days.
    Ron Nauendorf

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